2021 - The Year in Numbers

During 2021, NMSI’s Purchasing and Logistics team had a very busy year processing the supply and delivery of more than 11 million stock units of materiel in support of Delivery:

·    Over 2 million tons of cement

·    Over 1.6 million metres of LSF - the same as the distance from Durban to Lusaka

·    820 miles of electrical wire and cables - equivalent distance of London to Edinburgh and back

·    41 miles of water, drainage and barrier pipes - equivalent distance of London to Reading

·    125,000 metres of steel wire mesh, enough to wrap round The Colosseum 237 times

·    247,685m2 of roof sheets, the equivalent to 35 Premier League football pitches

·    3.7 million Tek-screws, the equivalent weight of 3.5 London double decker buses

·    Steel rivets which laid end to end would span over 6.5km, the equivalent of 217 Boeing 747s

·    5,148m2 of tiles, 184 kitchens and 2,990 signs

·    3,818 doors and 3,276 windows 

·    528 solar panels and 352 solar water heaters

This was delivered into country via:

·    248 truck deliveries into Zambia - bumper to bumper equivalent in length to 51 football pitches

·    The largest individual shipment was 28 containers of steel weighing 571 tons

·    These cargoes have travelled 670,000km within Africa – almost the distance from the Earth to the moon and back

·    66 containers of roof sheets and slit steel with a combined cargo weight of 1,627 tons delivered into CIV - by far the heaviest and bulkiest order NMSI has ever delivered

·    26,000 items of medical and non-medical equipment have been transported in 92 articulated trucks and installed to complete ICMT at 47 sites this year

·    800,000 man hours of Equipment End User Training provided to 405 MOH staff to be posted to the NMSI-built facilities

Ben Lyons